Captain KeeliCredits:Disney and Lucasfilms LTD: Star Wars the Clone WarsSBS The Guy and thechrist: Original Release and Retexturing of the Modelskev675243: Making the Star Wars Weapons Used by these NPCsMe: Turning the Models into NPCs. That being said, the troopers included in this pack are. Not all of these are Canon Characters, and some would fall into the 'Fanon' Category. During the Clone Wars the unit was sent to the Planet Ryloth, during which the unit was wiped out when the CIS invaded the planet.Learn More About Captain Keeli and His Men Here:This NPC Pack Contains various CGI Clone Trooper Models from the Workshop.

Star Wars the Clone Wars: Keeli CompanyKeeli Company was an unnamed Clone Company led by Clone Captain Keeli and Jedi General Ima Gun Di.

Keeli made his first appearance in the television series Star Wars: The Clone. LEGO Star Wars, Clone Wars, Rebels, and The Mandalorian Periodic Posts, IM BACK THO Major Respec to the Fallen Republic.

'Keeli' was the nickname of a clone trooper captain who fought on Ryloth during. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works.