Now strait Playing online games from finding a Pokemon in the jungle. They are very easy to play and quality vise very near to the original Pokemon games. Mostly Pokemon Online Games are Develop on flash. The most Addicting Pokemon Games are role playing games such as Pokemon tower defense, Pokemon great defense and Pokemon trainers. Now you can Play mostly Pokemon games Online. Pokemon games:Pokemon games are very Entertaining for people of all ages. you can read more about Pokemon history and Pokemon character at Wikipedia. The 6th most advance and HD generation of Pokemon is Pokemon omega ruby and Alpha sapphire which will release worldwide in November 2014. fifth generation Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game and Pokemon black and white was release in 2012. After that 4th and more adventure full generation of Pokemon diamond and pearl was released in 2006. Third and most famous Generation was released in was Pokemon ruby and sapphire for game boy advance. Most influence Second Generation of Pokemon is began in 1999 by Japanese release of Pokemon gold and silver for the game boy color.

then the serious began after the release of pocket monster. Pokemon History:Pokemon Games was released in 1996 in japan for the game boy and its a role playing game created by Satoshi Tajiri.

During training they upgrade with time and experience. Some of them are Good Pokemon and some other are bad Pokemon. Each Pokemon monster have different characteristics which make them unique. Their are different Pokemon character (.(Pikachu, Raichu, Charizard, Mewtwo, Arceus, Mew, Arcanine, Dragonite, Ash, Jolteon, Empoleon and other more then 490) with Different skills and abilities. You will win the game if you train better then other. Players are actually playing as a trainer of Pokemon pets for battle. The Original Nintendo Version is based on Battle of different Pokemon. There are Pokemon Adventure games(pikachu and raichu), Pokemon Puzzle and jigsaw games, Pokemon Role plying games(tower defense, great defense) and battle games as well. Pokemon Games have Different type of categories. Pokemon Games are Also one of the Most Selling games that Nintendo ever Produced.

Now its become the most popular Cartoon & Games Character. Pokemon was introduced by the most famous Japanese games company name Nintendo.They firstly introduce Pokemon Carton and then Pokemon games. Now Pokemon is also used for pet's by kids But Pokemon is not any real Pet. Pokemon Games | Pokemon Online | Pokemon Tower Defense Welcome to Pokemon Games Pokemon Introduction:Pokemon is One of the most loving Kids character of modern days.