Gain access to Vault 112 One will find a switch located on the wall to their left that operates a large hole in the floor.

As soon as you leave Vault 101 you could head straight on over to Smith Casey’s garage and find your dad in Vault 112 below. This location isn’t locked or made inaccessible by an invisible wall, it’s just out of the way enough that hardly anyone accidentally finds it before that point in the main quest. You might be interested: Readers ask: How Has Technology Changed Your Life? Where is your dad in Fallout 3? To get to Dupont Circle you either have to sneak out the backdoor of the Galaxy News Radio building and go through collapsed car tunnel, or go through one of the many Metro tunnels. How do you get to Dupont station in Fallout 3? Its east and west wings straddle the Museum station western exit. The museum is on the north side of The Mall, north and a little east of the Washington Monument. One route is via Anacostia Crossing, following the tracks into Museum Station. The Museum of History can be accessed through the metro.